Global Disaster Preparedness Center
Cyclone Preparedness Programme of Bangladesh
In late August 2017, widespread violence led to mass displacement of civilians and the suspension of...
Helping Ebola survivors survive in Sierra Leone
By Lisa Pattison, IFRC Without a doubt, stepping over the threshold to leave an Ebola treatment cent...
Being an Ebola responder at an Ebola treatment center: the story of Francis Nallu
This is the story of Francis Nallu, an Infection Prevention Control Supervisor, working at the Ebola...
The pain of surviving Ebola
By Anita Dullard, IFRC As the streets of Bopolu city wake, Tenneh Kamara sits quietly, hands in her ...
Surviving Ebola: Jerald’s story.
Jerald P. Dennis contracted the deadly Ebola virus disease while attending a funeral in Liberia. Aft...
International Response Operations: Perspectives from HQ
The following story was written by Lena Kang, Knowledge Management Intern, GDPC, based from an inter...
Preparedness in cash-transfer programming
The following story was written by Lena Kang, Knowledge Management Intern, GDPC, based on an intervi...
Humanitarian diplomacy in action
The following story was written by Lena Kang, Knowledge Management Intern, GDPC, based from an inter...
Video Story Contest #MyResilienceStory
The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) piloted the #MyResilienceStory video contest from Ma...