Assessment or evaluation, Case Study
Along some of the world’s toughest migration routes, Humanitarian Service Points provide a safe space for migrants and displaced people, giving them access to vital services that might otherwise be unreachable. This report provides numerous con...
Assessment or evaluation, Research
Climate vulnerability and change can have significant impacts on regional, national, and local development efforts. In order to reduce these impacts and promote climate-resilient development, decision and development practitioners need to understand ...
Assessment or evaluation
Climate change, lack of proper urban planning, increased urbanization, and increases in population are some of the key drivers of vulnerability in the Caribbean region. These factors contribute to the region being prone to a multitude of hazards incl...
Assessment or evaluation, Other type of resource
Up to date, 18 internationally operating organizations and companies plus Vint Cerf as an individual have endorsed the Call to Action on Emergency Alerting. This document highlights the process towards the Call to Action s as they have been put forwa...
Assessment or evaluation, Guidance material, Review
IFRC has undertaken an extensive Operational review to capture evidence and lessons from the more than 23 years of humanitarian support to the affected population of the Chernobyl Nuclear accident in 1986.
Assessment or evaluation, Awareness material
This resource contains 2 documents on the topic Fukushima/Japan, provided by NIRS (National Institute of Radiological Sciences): Japan’s Challenges Concerning the Domestic and International Implications of TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Sta...
Assessment or evaluation
0Reports Reviewed 0Organizations Covered Over the course of 2019-2020, the American Red Cross commissioned a meta‑evaluation to explore what makes a community disaster-ready. This meta-evaluation examines 24 program or project evaluations, half of ...
Assessment or evaluation, Awareness material, Guidance material, Manual, Report, Research
This IOM Migration Research Series paper offers an initial analysis of the specific ways migrants have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also presents the diverse measures which have been adopted in receiving and origin countries to prevent,...
Assessment or evaluation, Report
The URCS (with IFRC assistance) needs support to help thousands of vulnerable refugees who have fled violence in DRC and are now living in camps located South East Albert Lake. Ethnic violence’s have forced thousands of people to seek safety in nei...
Assessment or evaluation, Research, Review
The winter test was originally planned to take place in Pakistan. However, following an analysis of the security situation, the IFRC-Shelter Research Unit (IFRC-SRU) together with the Project Committee, decided to organize this phase in two different...