Health Fair Implementation with a Resilience Approach, San Lorenzo, Valle, Honduras

Under the CoCHAP project the city climate resilience coalition of San Lorenzo City, in Valle, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Municipal Government, and Honduran Red Cross, organised a health fair with a resilience approach, aiming to provide medical assistance to the population and raise awareness about the effects of high temperatures.

General medical, psychotherapy, gynaecology, fluoride for children, vaccination, and blood pressure measurement are among the services that were offered. Talks were also provided about hydration, heatwaves, what to do when high temperatures arise, and the consequences of direct sun exposure without protection. An alliance with essential partners was formed, including the National Police, the Fire

Department, and Save the Children, who gave support and assistance in the creation of the activity.

The health fair was not only successful in terms of participation and attendance, but it also had a long-term impact on the community. Beneficiaries left with the knowledge and resources they needed to take control of their health and well-being. Furthermore, community relationships were developed as neighbours of various ages and backgrounds came together to improve their quality of life.

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